Day 180, 243 pounds, down from 351, total loss of 108 pounds
It's been six months since the doc cut my duffel bag stomach down to size...let's have a brief summary of the results; I have lost over 100 pounds, and still losing, my diabetes is gone, by bad back is about 95% better, my cholesterol and triglycerides are completely normal, and my sleep apnea has disappeared. I am healthier in every way, feeling better, working out, consuming less adult beverages, I quit smoking, and I actually eat Brussels sprouts - seriously!
It hasn't been completely easy. I have shed many gallons of sweat, lifted many tons of iron in the gym, and actually started running for fun and exercise. I recently had knee surgery to clean up some damaged cartilage in my left knee. It was an old injury that I aggravated running the Jingle Bell Jog in early December. It was only one mile, but it was enough to inflame the knee joint and make me seek help. I am now looking at about 6 weeks of therapy, then back out to the track. I'll be running 5K in the next Jingle Bell Jog...
I have to say that I do have one regret about my weight-loss surgery; I regret that I waited so long to have it done! It's true that I was kinda busy rebuilding after Katrina beat the crap out of the entire region, but even so, I wish I had gotten trimmed before my knee started breaking down. I am absolutely certain that the damage to my knee was a direct result of being a huge, rotund, fat-body type of person, and losing a pile of lard would have prevented the damage to my knee. Too late for me, but it isn't too late for any of you VLP's (Very Large Persons) out there who may be thinking about it. My advice to you is simple: you have a disease, it will kill you if you don't seek help, therefore, seek help NOW!
From here on out, I'll be posting about running, cutting trails through the woods, fishing, skydiving, etc...I'm pretty sure everybody understands the whole Gastric Sleeve thing by now, if not, you can go to the first post and read all about it...
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